Sunday come's round again and it's a 10 miler along the river. As always however carefully planned, come Sunday morning and it's a stress. Sharon needs to go to mass, George doesn't want to, I'm running, we have friends Dom, Polly, Maisie and Kate the dog coming to Sunday lunch which I'm cooking. In the end I get up scoff down some muesli and I'm out the door at about 8:20am. 10 miles should be about 1 hour 30 mins and I want to be home by 10am so Sharon can get ready for 11am mass with Claudia while I look after George and start peeling potatoes. I seem to always set off on the long Sunday run stressed and not in the right frame of mind and the first half mile is a struggle not helped by the freezing wind and the light snow. I made a conscious decision before the run to run slower at the prescribed pace and I do. Suddenly I'm running along the river, three and a half miles covered and I am feeling great, running with a smile on my face and no stress of worries. Have I reached enlightenment? I have entered a Zen state of running. I carry on along the Thames until I reach the Stag Brewery at Mortlake which is unfortunately about to close after brewing beer since 1487 when it was part of a monastery and the great Ship pub. This is the halfway mark so time to turn for home. I am still feeling great and know the next five miles will be easy. On the way back there are more runners emerging and the snow is getting more regular. A lot of runners seem to be happy today and there are more nods, smiles and hellos than ever. I reach Hammersmith Bridge and realise that there is only two and a half miles left, this actually dissappoints me as I'm enjoying the run and fancy going on further. However I am a devout family man and know I need to get home for Sharon to confess her and our collective sins and for me to "slam in the lamb". That's not innuendo or metaphor, we're actually having roast lamb. As the Garmin beeps for reaching 10 miles I am about 50 yards from the house and I'm home in plenty of time for Sharon to say hello to the big man upstairs ( although I think I am now buddhist after my Zen experience today). Within 20 mins I am showered and backdownstairs getting the dinner ready. By 1.30pm God has been appeased, the sacrificial lamb slaughtered (by Mr Tesco) and roasted, Dom, Polly and Maisie avec Kate the Dog have arrived and I am regailing my enthralled audience with tales of my adventures by the riverside. Even after a full demonstration of the Garmin I am still unable to make Polly believe it works by picking up satellite signals and Polly would be much more comfortable if I had told her it had fairies inside it.
ps. Happy first 6 months Claudia, love you lots
FCB - 5 DP - 2 H - 9
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