Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Tour de Bush

It's Tuesday evening the foot feels practically normal but for once I am being sensible and waiting until it is completely recovered. I think I learnt my lesson last year about over-training and running on an injury. My focus is to get back on track with a long run on Sunday, it should be a 15 miler. So tonight it's time to get back into the saddle and pedal, pedal, pedal. I am set up with my water bottle, various remote controls and blackberry in case I have a cycling accident and need to ring Sharon to come and carry me down from the shed.
I am actually now getting over the boredom of the exercise bike and I think I am now getting into Zen Cycling. The first 30 minutes flies passed so I increase the intensity and the gearing for the second 30. With 10 minutes to go I am really pushing myself and the legs are getting heavy. This is what I need in the absence of running. When I step off the bike I look like I have climbed out of a swimming pool and I am slightly wobbly on my legs. I stagger down the garden path swathed in a cloud of steam and pull down the handle of the patio doors. As I open the door there is a scream - Sharon had forgotten all about me and was engrossed in a TV programme - it's nice to feel wanted!

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