Wednesday 4 March 2009

The Shed vs Loftus Road - no contest

Monday night was a rest night but as my calfs (or is it calves) were quite tight from Sunday's exertions I went out for a short bike ride - Homebase and back to be honest though it seemed to do the trick loosening up the legs. Or so I thought. I wake up Tuesday morning and the calfs are fine but my left foot is fecking painful around the big toe. I think this is a reaction to the Sunday run, the bruising coming out from running on it whilst still recovering from gout inflammation. After anti-inflammatories and ibugel the toe eases off and by the evening feels better, bruised but better. Just in time to be replaced by knee pain. I am a chuffing crock.
I'm due to do some sprint sessions Tuesday however in a slightly inebriated state on Saturday I did tell Dom I would go to QPR with him. Why? I don't know, it was the Red Stripe talking. Why would I, a life-long Chelsea supporter want to dirty my feet stepping over the threshold of Loftus Road. Plus why would I put myself in that sort of danger. So do I go to the footy with Dom (also see my boss Stuart, a QPR stalwart), stand in the rain, pretend to support my west London inferiors or do I head to the shed and do a cycle sprint session (I'm playing safe with the legs). I think about it for a long time, 1 maybe 2 seconds then change into my cycling gear. I do 40 mins of sprint/recovery/sprint (a bit like QPR's tactics) then head down to the house for a shower in time to watch Portsmouth v Chelsea on the internet. At the end of the night I watch the floodlights at QPR switch off and head up to bed.

Training done
Portsmouth 0 - CHELSEA 1
QPR 0 - Norwich 1

Apologies to Dom & Stuart but as you will know The Shed will always be first choice over The Loft

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