Tuesday 10 March 2009

Move over Dwain

Tuesday night and it's speed training. This is good as it means a shorter session than a long run and Chelsea kick off at 19:45. This is bad as the session will hurt and I have a intense disliking for pain. When I get home there is some good news - George is staying at his nan's, this means I can get out on the run earlier and not worry about missing kick off. However before I can run I must pop round to Sharon's mum and drop off George's 2 frogs (soft toys not live amphibians) and his sleeping bag. When I get there George gives me a hug and kiss, grabs the frogs and says "Daddy do running now, bye bye" then followed it up with "Pull daddy's finger - farts!" before collapsing in laughter on the floor. I've no idea who taught him that. 10 minutes later I am outside the house ready to go. It's quarter mile warm up then 3 1.5 mile fast runs with quarter mile recovery. I use a route that neve takes me too far from the house and there are 2 long straights to make the speed work easier. I use the word easier in it's loosest sense. The first fast 1.5 miles is good and fairly comfortable, after the recovery jog the second 1.5 miles is a little tougher but ok. For the 3rd set I change the route slightly to give me about a mile straight where I can really push it. This is where it becomes hard and I have to really work to push the pace. The last half mile of fast running takes me passed 2 pubs, The Askew which I haven't been in for a while and then the Vic which I have been in recently. Both pubs look amazingly inviting, the thought of a pint of London Pride and maybe some chips momentarily make me smile then throw me into depression as I realise and accept these prizes will not be mine until at least Friday night. My Garmin tells me the fast section is over and now its a gentle jog home. Once home and showered I tuck into my wholewheat pasta and steamed chicken washed down with a diet coke. It's not exactly what I was dreaming of as I passed the pub but I know its what I should have. Now to top it all as I type this blog Juventus have just fecking scored, I'm going to stop now.

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