Friday 13 March 2009

It's that Friday feeling......

My usual routine is running Tuesday and Wednesday evenings then a Friday morning run. Friday morning instead of Thursday or Friday night i) gives my legs an extra chance to recover after 2 hard sessions and ii) means I can drink Friday night. However as I was working from home and Claudia by darling little 7 month old is starting to sleep through I took the opportunity to have a lie in until 7.20am. I then felt a little too guilty to get up go running and then start work in the shed when I had time to help Sharon with the gremlins and eat breakfast as a family before starting work. So no morning run. The schedule showed a fast 3 miler which fitted perfectly. At 1300 I changed my worl profile to Away got changed and went off for a run whilst Sharon killed her brain watching Loose Women and the Gardner juniors napped. The weather was chilly but gloriously sunny. Rather than compete with office workers on a lunch break, mums with prams and Westfield shoppers for pavement space I worked out that a run to Ravenscourt park 2 laps and back would be just over 3 miles. Apart from a "which way is he going to stumble" incident with a very drunk drunk outside the Sun Tavern I mad it to the park at a cracking pace. The park was fairly busy with people enjoying the sun but not too packed as most mothers and babies had gone home for lunch and naps. So 2 laps went quickly and smoothly then back to home. As I reached the front door the Garmin said 3.4 miles and had run a good sub 8 minute mile pace so plenty of time for a stretchh, a shower, to microwave some spaghetti 'oops, (always 'oops never hoops) and back to work.

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