Wednesday 11 March 2009

Will I be on Newsnight?

It's an easy 7 miler tonight and now I'm glad to say 7 miles is easy. I set off just after 7pm and follow the usual route. After all these weeks of running I could probably run this route with my eyes closed. I decide not to as it's very likely I'd get run over within 5 minutes. As I hit Wood Lane it is still quite busy and as I get to Television Centre there is a large crowd queuing at the audience entrance as I run passed I attract a couple of wolf-whistles and at least one of them was from a woman. I run on toward Shepherds Bush Green. Just before Albertines, the local wine bar a taxi pulls up and someone jumps out, they look startled as they see my lumbering toward them and step to one side, it's none other than Jeremy Paxman. I modestly said "Sorry can't chat" unfortunately I think he mis-heard "can't", I wonder if I'll make Newsnight. Heading down Uxbridge Road the fried food and restaurant smells are bloody nice especially from the open window of Al Swarma Kebab House. The grilled chicken and spices mix perfectly with the alcohol fumes pumping out of the White Horse. The rest of the lap is uneventful as is the second lap. During the second lap I acheive my Zen running state and the last 3 miles feel very easy. I get back to the house and all is well, kids are asleep (for now), Sharon has eaten and I've completed another good run.

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