Sunday morning and I'm scheduled to do a slow 9 mile run. Unfortunately the fates conspire against me and I have a long boring list of excuses that prevent me from going out which you won't want to hear, however as this is my blog you're going to. Excuse 1 - For the passed couple of weeks George has been unwell with some sort of virus he also has a bad cough that makes him chuck up. This has now been passed on to Claudia. So both the children are ill. Excuse 2 - George stayed over at his nan's Saturday night to see if he could get a good nights sleep without Claudia's crying and feed times disturbing him. I had to collect George from his nan's mid-morning so I didn't have time to do a long run and get back for George. Excuse 3 - I couldn't run in the afternoon as my sister was coming up to visit. Excuse 4 - it was chucking it down and I've got no wet weather gear, I'd rather miss a run than get soaked, get a cold and miss a weeks worth. Right that's the excuses, sorry, valid reasons over with. What I did do instead was after a healthy and mind-numbingly boring bowl of organic muesli was head up to the shed and use the exercise bike. This way I could get some training done, watch FA cup highlights and be ready to pick George up.
I decided that I'd cycle for about 1.5 hours which is the duration I would have run for. So off I set, wearing my padded cycling pants as a precaution. I won't talk you through the whole cycle as the scenery didn't change much, the weather conditions were fairly constant and I didn't meet anyone. The first 30 minutes were fine. As I headed into the second 30 minutes I did realise that my nether regions had changed from an uncomfortable tingling feeling to a increasing level of numbness. 45 minutes in and I had to frequently stand up on the pedals to relieve the pressure and get circulation going again. As I entered the final 20 minutes all feeling in my padded pants had gone, it was as if I had been given an epidural. After 90 minutes of cycling I had covered just under 50 kilometres and I could feel that I had been using different muscle groups than I do running. About 30 minutes later after a shower and playing with Claudia while Sharon collected George some feeling came back to my crown jewels. All I can say is that I'm glad I have already fathered 2 children and want no more and that my heart goes out to anyone who competes in the Tour de France.
1 comment:
Hi mate, Just wanted to wish you good luck, Hope the training goes well, Gaz
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