As we enter the 2009 the training gets serious, I have now started the Runner's World training schedule. using the appliance of science the schedule is downloaded to my laptop and uploaded to my Garmin GPS. Tonights run is a steady 4 miles. So there I am standing outside the house in running tights and fleece waiting for the Garmin to pick up a satellite. 3 freezing minutes later I am off running. I am not a religious man but Jesus it was freezing. After 5 mins I can't feel my fingers or my feet. More worryingly is that another one of my extremities seems to have dissappeared but I'll come back to this later. The run goes very smoothly for about 2.5 miles, the cold weather keeping most people off the streets. As I approach 3 miles I feel something very cold on my inner thigh, I am sure I haven't wet myself as that would actually warm me and I would see the steam. Then I realise what it is - as I was trying to increase the volume on "Smack ma bitch up" I inadvertently tipped my door key out of my tights pocket and it was working it's way down my leg. Once it reached my knee I had to stop and retrieve it. Now I understand that a man in tights bending over putting one arm up his leg isn't that appealing an image so I do apologise to the passengers on the 207 bendy bus to Ealing that pulled up at this point at the Wormholt Road bus-stop and I thank them for not calling the police. After this I continued a realtively easy run home.
As I walked into the house and into the living room I was greeted by Sharon's hairdresser asking me "How's your willy Paul, is it still there?". Thats the last time I discuss the side effects of running in the cold with my wife
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