Monday 6 April 2009

Sponsorship update

Against a background of credit crunch, global armageddon, financial insecurity and Comic Relief nicking possible donations the fund-raising is progressing as well as I can expect. There is over £700 donated on the JustGiving site (, I am hoping for a decent pledge from one of my suppliers at work, my mate Ed Walters is running and raising funds on my behalf (currently around £300), a recent MUFTI day at work was on behalf of BabyLifeline that should raise around £200 , The Princess Vic has pledged £150 (though I haven't seen this yet and I have dissappeared from their website) and quite a few friends and colleagues have pledged to donate when they pull their fingers out / remember / await pay day. Please spread the word - I'm doing this for the babies!


About Me! said...

Hi Paul,

Have been following the Just Giving donations page since I gave you the £150 for the Princess Victoria's Pub side of the pledge and have not seen the money put forward?

Somewhat confused as when I gave you the cash I requested you donate it with reference for the Princess Victoria Pub Shepherds Bush?

The last entry in your blog site mentions that you hadn't seen the money from us yet yet and also stated that we dropped you from our website. We didn't have a website at the time but instead put you on our Blog page which is a rolling newsletter.

When I set up your London Marathon blog on our blog site I emailed it out to over 1,000 people from our database who had a link to your marathon blog page and the donations page to boot, and left it there for 2 weeks before having to update the PV blog again for PV related events...

Can you please confirm where the donated money has gone? James also mentioned he gave you money for the charity on the night of the marathon when you returned to the pub and had you to do star jumps, but again appears his share of the donated money has not been donated to nor mentioned in thanks; though pat, nic and casper had given you money for the same star jumps and appears on donations page?

Matt Wilkin

Princess Victoria Pub
Shepherds Bush

I'm back... said...

Hi Matt,

Sorry for the delay - haven't been on the blog since the race - still writing the race day blog. Apologies you haven't seen the donation on the justgiving site I collated all the cash donations and sent a personal cheque to BabyLifeline. I'll go into the website now and add an entry for the Princess Victoria now referencing the pub and the amount. You will also receive a "Thank You" certificate from the charity - I spoke to the co-ordinator last week.

Pat, nic and Caspar are on the Justgiving site as it was a direct donation via the site.

Many thanks for yours and the pubs support and I'll catch up with you next time I am in the pub. Apologies for this misunderstanding.
