16 miles along the river today, easy I say! After about a mile I am sweating profusely this doesn't usually start until about 4 miles, I have alcohol sweats. At Hammersmith Bridge at around 2.5 miles I have a stitch like pain which lasts for 10 minutes then subsides. Slowly but surely I get into a groove though I am regretting Saturday's excess. Looks like there was a very high tide last night as the path is wet and areas are covered with plastic bottles and carrier bags that have been washed up. At Barnes Bridge the tow-path is covered in river debris including a decapitated pigeon. 8 miles into the run I reach the marker stone for Richmond Deer Park and turn for home. As per last week the run was clear on the way out but more and more runners, walkers and bikers appear on the run back. This week all seem very friendly. A key feature of the run was the number of dogs throwing themselves into the water this week with owners shouting at them to get out of the filth. Perhaps the early March sun has spooked them. At around 13 miles I am very thirsty and feel fairly drained, this is where Saturday's sins are coming back to haunt. At 14 miles I feel like collapsing and my feet barely leave the ground, I feel disheartened when a geriatric in a electric invalid carraige flies passed me. I think I am delusional but would swear he flipped his middle finger up as he went on his merry way. If he did may his battery run out in the middle of a busy road! I struggle on and then with one mile to go I get a second wind, perhaps as I know I will make it before the grim reaper claims me. I kick on and make it home in a respectable time. The family are still amening in a church so I stretch then shower and watch footy highlights. An hour of so later my family is sitting at the bar in the Princess Vic, I allow myself a celebratory London Pride, small white wine for the lady, mashed sweet potato and chicken for the baby and crisps and apple juice for the boy.
FCB - 8 DP - 6 H - 9
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